Monday, February 6, 2012

Indie Wed! (Or: Baby's First Bridal Show)

January 28th marked my very first Bridal Show! It was fantastic. It was so much work, but so worth it!

In addition to playing with gorgeous flowers (and wild raspberries!) I got the chance to be inspired by hundreds of amazing local vendors, eat cupcakes and things, and meet SO MANY fantastic new brides (you know who you are!).

But there's more. I also got to spend the whole day with my wonderful friend and esteemed colleague, Becca Heuer of Becca Heuer Photography.

She helped me more than I can ever thank her for! Plus, she took tons of great photos that day - like the one pictured above! You can view more of them here, on her blog.

Thanks to the organizers of Indie Wed, to all the vendors who participated, and to the wonderful brides who came out to meet us. Can't wait for the next Indie Wed to come around!


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